Tantric massage has long history and tradition. Its roots are in hinduism and budhism. it has an influence on spiritual emotional physical and mental side of person. This massage has pure benefits for clients. The salon in Bratislava is situated in the center of the city. It is easy to find it and even easier to schedule your massage with us. You can do so by calling directly to the salon or contacting it by means of message. Our staff is always ready to help you to choose the perfect and suitable programme.
How we evaluate which type of erotic massage is for you?
Your needs matter the most for our masseuses and masseurs. The mutual respect is an evident rule for us, as well as hygiene and discreetness. There are simple points to think about:
1. If you have experience with tantric massage or not
2. If you like experiments
3. How open-minded you are as a person
4. Where you set your boundaries
5.If you like surprises
6. If you are ready for something more extra
7. If you are a woman/man
8. If you want to experience tantra with your partner (as a couple)
These are all of possibilities we think of, if you are not decided yet. Maybe you can meditate for some time and look through our programmes one more time. Classic tantric massage is magical. But there are new possibilities. Maybe you would like a special treatment with delicious food, perhaps you want massage from two ladies. In some programmes, you have also an opportunity to be an active element of the massage. For undecided clients, let our reviews guide you as well. There are numerous satisfied clients who share their radiant joy with the world. You can also buy a gift card for your friends. They will definitely share their positive experience with you. Our Bratislava Tantra salon is an open-minded place, the best for spiritual experience.